So proud am I! My kitchen bunting is finished!
It was a very simple pattern - just doubles on a chain of 12, decreasing each end of every other row and "fiddling" the top to make a point. Then I strung together on a chain (being VERY careful with te pattern). I am SO pleased with how they look. Every time I'm cooking or feeding our sickly piggie (guinea-piggie, not full size porcine piggie) I look at the dresser and smile.
I'm quite surprised that it is currently holding up find just with some blobs of blue tac. Actually, I need to take the rest of the blue tac out of the fruit dish, where it is currently keeping two bananas company.
Our dresser is definitely a "family" item. I love it. I forbade my Mum to sell it when she re-did her kitchen and forced her to store it all summer in her study while we moved house. I grew up with it so it's very nostalgic for me to see it every day. My littlist (interesting - that's clearly not a real word!) sister made me the beautiful white vase with flowers one Christmas, from papier mache of all things, and that goes beautifully with our green and brown kitchen. And the decorated plate I made myself at Center Parks (which, at time at decorating, I was convinced was spelt the French way - Centre Parcs).
There's a little green candle from a child I taught in Year 6 a few years back, the giant yellow cup and sunflower I also "stole" from Mum's house, the soup bowls we acquired from Rach's parents, the heart cup and saucers from my colleagues at school and the stereo from my cousin. Gosh...that makes us sound a bit cheap actually! We seldom bother to buy our own things! Tee hee! Everything has a story though, and that is just what a home should be like.
So very very pleased ^__^