My socks are FINALLY done. Which socks? These socks! Remember? I bought this yarn nearly a full calendar year ago at Yarndale.
Such deliiiiiiicious colours...
But I had so many other projects to get on with it wasn't until this March that I finally picked up my double ended pins and cast on. Then ripped out, since I couldn't get that funky cast on method to work. I tried a second time with a different pattern. Still no luck. A few humphs were humphed, and the whole lot was thrown in the back of the cupboard. Yes, I'm a sulker. Eventually I got Mum to photograph on her phone the sock pattern I'd successfully used before, but lost. She zapped it to my phone and I was AWAY!
I'd forgotten how blissfully satifsying sock knitting can be. The soothing round and round and round and round... I did a lot of knitting in the car, and thoroughly enjoyed this particular journey to Essex, wearing my homemade Coco dress. It's the comfiest thing in my wardrobe, and I felt TRES CREATIVE wearing my own dress and knitting my own socks au meme temps!
I LOVED playing with the beautiful colours of this yarn. Particularly the lime, red and orange sequence. They really are my soul colours. CanNOT get enough of them. Nom, nom, nom!
I even managed to keep knitting by candlelight during the Earth Hour.
Yes, I've enjoyed knitting up these babies. I didn't enjoy weaving in the ends, since I changed colour every six rows. That resulted in a LOT of weaving in. But that just made it all the more satifying when I finally finished.
They weren't without problems. Towards the end of the second sock, the blue, then the green wool ran out, so the foot part of that sock doesn't follow the strict rainbow pattern. But I can cope with that. But I do like my nod towards my usually odd socks, in that each heel is a different colour.
I had a surreal moment the other morning, setting my camera to self-timer so I could take photos of my own feet. I did feel a little odd, it has to be said. I also took photos of the very first pair of socks I made, following the same pattern. Ha - I say VERY FIRST. These two pairs are the ONLY adult socks I've ever made. I've made some baby socks, but they are considerably quicker!
I like the way the wool looks almost like it's spiralled on the heels of my rainbow socks.
Yes, these are some comfy, colourful ME socks, and I'm enjoying wearing them over the top of my regular socks, as a sort of springtime slipper.
P.S. Yes, if you've spotted the dodgy toes, you are right. I have not mastered the art of the graft. I fudge it my own way and cope with the fact that they look a little odd.
P.P.S. If you want to see some REAL sock skills, you have GOT to check out these babies. I'm in total awe of this Winwick Mum's ability with knitting pins. My socks look very humble compared to hers!