"Raaaah!" That is the sound effect Little R was making this morning as he tore around the house in his exciting new trousers. I saw them shared on Facebook and Pinterest and decided to make some for the Littlest One. Mum located me a pattern online - on the Tales of the Wandering Lady blog, so as soon as I had a moment, I dug through my box of doubleknit yarns to choose some suitably androgynous colours (I have two yarn boxes under the bed - "doubleknit" and "other").
Within a few days I was enjoying my circular knitting and making good progress. I couldn't help but suspect, though, that this 6 - 18 months size might prove a little large for our baby during its first winter. For a start, I make pretty small babies, and for a second, they were ENORMOUS!
But they were looking great! I'd even made the mouth!
The project was picked up and put down when I had moments, and after I started on the legs, I tried them on Little R and decided that they'd certainly have to be for him. Over the Easter weekend, we were at my Mum's and I dragged down with me various projects that needed completing. Among them were these trousers, only requiring the ribbed bottom of the legs and then the final touches...
The teeth!
Look at that! A full mouth of gappy teeth... rather like our wee boy.
This morning I finally got round to dressing Little R in these trousers. I spent some time rifling through his t-shirt collection to find some that would match. It seemed appropriate to have one monster on the front...
... and another on his rear!
They're undeniably cute, and the best part is Little R LOVED wearing them. I used a mirror to show him the face on his bottom and he chuckled merrily, then whizzed off roaring and giggling.