Little R was playing with this "duck" again today. This "duck" (note the sarcastic quote marks) lives in a bowl in the lounge with six crochet chicks and is often used in imaginary play. But let's face it, it's not a duck. It's a begun-but-never-completed project started by my wife. To be fair to her, Rachel has finished two crochet projects in her life (Little R's baby blanket, and a big blanket). And a fair few knitting projects (although there was the "pair" of socks she made Little R. She knitted the first sock when I was about halfway through the pregnancy. I knitted the second sock myself when Little R was a few months old.).
She is a not-finisher. I've lost count of how many just-started and definitely-not-finished projects there are floating around our house. This duck is just the tip of the iceberg. And looking at it has been making me feel sad and depressed. So today I finally nipped upstairs for some yarn. While I was up there I collected the two crochet animals Rachel made for Little R while I was pregnant. They're cute - the hippo has a squeaker in its tummy, and the giraffe has a jingly tummy. But they have no eyes. So they're cute-but-creepy.
I got to work, and fudged a beak and feet for the duck. Little R was very pleased. Then I stitched eyes, nostrils and even a belly button on the hippo.
Little R marvelled at my skills. Or perhaps, just the fact that his teddies finally had features!
Finally, three COMPLETED and CUTE teddies. Very satisfying.