Ouch. It's such a production line these days. Calpol, Rotavirus, triple virus, Men C and Men B. Our little baby's body, which was already fighting off a cold, suddenly had six new viruses to develop immunity to. I don't normally worry too much about vaccinations, but these ones had be worried. You had a good scream during the injections, but you were as then happy as Larry for the rest of afternoon... so much so that I didn't give you the next dose of Calpol when it was due. You were happy and giggling! You had no fever! You had no pain! BAD MOVE. Ten minutes later you were one miserable baby and I had to dose you up and try to sooth you with a breastfeed until it kicked in. Note to self: when you're told to keep your baby dosed up... DO! I'm sorry, little one. These vaccinations made you feel grim and I hated seeing that. But I believe it is for the best. They keep you safer than you'd otherwise be.
First time in the bouncer!
You love to chew your fingers. Little R was never a digit sucker, so this is a new thing for me. It keeps you happy and it is cute to watch ^_^
On this afternoon, I decided to be one of the Cool Mums who Does Stuff. So I hacked a hole in this box, to make a puppet theatre. Then I realised that Little R has no concept of a puppet theatre, having never seen one - he kept interrupting my "shows" while I was crammed in the box, interacting with the characters and taking the action to other parts of the room. He was, quite literally, thinking outside the box.
You, for your part, enjoyed watching the shows and playing with the dinosaurs who weren't currently in use. Seriously though, little lady, what is going on with the moustache on the back of your head? Do you think we should trim it off? It's the only bit of hair you were born with that hasn't fallen out. The rest is all fluffy blonde hair, so that little rectangle looks hilarious!
We love these colourful blocks with different materials inside. Great for people as small as you, who can look and listen to them. Great for bigger people like Little R, who can build towers and sculptures and look through the colours to see the world turned green or yellow.
So nearly a roller. You've rolled over twice, from front to back. But that was a couple of weeks ago and I think you've forgotten how! Today you were really squirming and trying to roll back onto your front. You're so keen to be mobile. This week you've become a muscly, wriggly body. You throw yourself forward and backwards, shuffling off my lap, headbutting me in the chin and generally making it very hard to hang onto you. What's the rush? Stay my little baby. Please?