"How does this bike thing work, then?"
Somebody tried to help wash the car. With her head!
Multi-tasking as usual!
Baby O decided to have a go at painting for the first time at toddlers. By "have a go", she meant eat it. I had to help to get any paint at all on her bird!
Our walking girl!
On Friday, I was feeling tired (ha ha - what's new there?) and grumpy, so I decided an afternoon mooching around the house would lead to irritability and tantrums all round. So after nursery, I packed the children and all the necessary equipment into the car and drove my two babies to Hollow Trees farm. We lunched in a relaxed way in a cafe where I didn't have to prepare the food or clean up the dishes. Bliss. We read books while we waited for our food and then while Baby O was eating yoghurt and houmous (yes, simultaneously). Two different couples complimented me on my children and those kind words warmed the cockles of my heart. One lady turned to say well done for reading to Little R, then noticed I was reading upside down while helping Baby O with her yoghurt spoon. I hadn't really thought about the level of multi-tasking I was managing, but yes, I'm going to take that as a parenting success! Go me!
We had a fantastic time wandering round the farm trail after lunch. Fed goats, quacked at ducks, played on swings and slides and generally got mucky and outdoorsy. It was a pretty perfect afternoon. Definitely a good decision.
Mummy Rachel's first wrap job! Baby O enjoyed her nap on a different back.
This afternoon we spent a lovely few hours at Lackford Lakes. Bug hunting, pond dipping and CAKE. Baby O has been kept away from refined sugar for a long time, but she saw that Victoria Sponge cake and I could see "no" was not going to be an option. Also, I had forgotten to bring her a healthy snack! Unlike Little R, she LOVES cake. Nom nom nom. Down the hatch.
P.S. I don't have the worst tired-eye-bags ever - I had a bottle full of water dropped on my face and the bruise is taking some time to come out!